The Truth about living a fulfilled life.
Life in itself is a journey of self discovery...
Hello, this is my first article on hashnode, hope I am welcomed.
Over the past two years, my life has been something I would describe as "running in circles". I jump on every new trend, I consume a lot of information and work on several projects (half done),then jump on to another.
Looking back, I see a lot of missed Opportunities in search of Opportunities. What could have happened if I had discovered and focused one path? What could have been different about my life ?.
I know I have always wanted to be a web developer, I love tech and have strong passion for it. Started my journey in web development two years ago, yet till date. I'm still yet to get a full grasp of it. I attribute this also to my inability to focus on one path over the past two years.
Life is more of personal than relative, life is more deep than shallow, life is more of spiritual that physical and life is more of what you do withing than outside.
I have a lot to let out, but I chose to reserve and let it out bit by bit, my next blog post would buttress more. But this is basically me saying welcome to myself to this community of web devs , and congratulating myself for finally taking the bold decision to forget every other thing and focus on one path, and that is the path u have passion for, and that path is web development.